SWP best practice principles

Value your people

Your people are your assets, and as such, their skills development and internal mobility opportunities should be invested in.

Acknowledge the risks

A risk assessment is critical to strategic workforce planning but is only effective when the business is willing to acknowledge the risks and comply with risk mitigation efforts. 

Commit to a continuous, iterative process

Strategic workforce planning is an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation and revisions. Stakeholders must commit to long-term participation.

Consult and engage

Strategic workforce planning is a highly collaborative process involving the Information Technology, Finance and Human Resources functions.

Take the time

Prior to the supply and demand step, sufficient time must be spent to ensure stakeholders understand the strategy, internal and external forces that will affect talent demand and the likely impacts of emerging technologies on the workforce.

Share the priorities

For workforce planning to deliver benefits, stakeholders should commit to prioritising the workforce planning objectives over their business unit objectives.

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