Skills FAQs

Identify the most in-demand skills in the current job market for every job in your workforce.

Where can I find skills on the platform?

Skills can be found in the Job Profiles report when looking at an individual job profile. Skills can be viewed by those that are most specialised for that job, and skills that are requested most frequently in online job ads. Up to 20 skills are included in each list. Each list appears in descending order. The skills will also appear in both lists when they are both frequently requested and highly specialised for that job.

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How are the skills sourced?

Faethm parses online job postings from approximately 50 different Australian sources to identify and extract skills. The sources include all major job sites such as Seek, Indeed, and LinkedIn, and public sector and large enterprise job sites.

Each new skill is then manually validated by our expert ontology team for relevance and to remove duplicates, then incorporated into the ontology.

How many job postings have been analysed?

Over 3.8 million Australian job postings have been parsed. This number will gradually increase as we regularly parse job postings. In 2022, we'll incorporate US and UK job postings, which will see a large increase in total number of job postings. Please visit these FAQs regularly for the latest updates.

What is the size of the skills taxonomy?

The taxonomy includes 8,000 individual skills. The number will expand as our data sources pick up new skills and the ontology coverage increases.

How is the taxonomy structured?

It's a four-tiered hierarchy. The most granular level includes the skills that are displayed on the platform. 

How often are skills updated?

To ensure the skills ontology is up-to-date and aligns with current job market data, skills are updated quarterly. In 2023, the skills refresh will occur every month.

Does the skills data show how skills might change over time?

Yes, we'll be introducing skill profiles in 2022 which will display the increase and decrease in demand for each skill over time.

Why are there sometimes less than 20 skills listed for specialised skills and skills frequency?

In order for us to provide accurate skills for each job in our occupation ontology, there must be a sufficient number of job postings for statistical significance. Once there are a statistically significant number of job postings for a job, we'll begin to parse for skills for that job.

What are the next skills-related updates to be included on the platform?

Future improvements include inclusion of skills in the Job Corridor, skill profiles and a view of skills at an organisational level.

Please visit these FAQs regularly for new updates. Your Customer Insights Manager will also keep you informed and our platform's product updates popup will highlight the latest on the platform.

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Is the skills framework compatible with others?

Faethm skills correlate to O*NET attributes.